Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kamryn's Baptism

Kamryn June was baptized Sunday September 6th. Her baptismal gown was made by my grandma, Grandma Keeling. I and all my cousins wore it when we were baptized, and Zach and I were very honored to have Kamryn wear it too.

Yes, that is my son, and yes, he is playing GI Joes on the baptismal font...I still haven't figured out how the GI Joes made it out of the truck, but he was finally pulled into line with his Aunts and Uncles.

Sponsors: Uncle AD, Aunt Kourtnie, Aunt Tracie, & Uncle Jody

PaPo, Dammie, MeMe, & PawPaw

What a good lookin' bunch!

Trouble X3

Afterwards Mama and Daddy treated everyone to BBQ at C&J's, Thanks MeMe and PawPaw!
And Thank you to everyone who joined us on this special occasion, we love you all!

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