Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Kamryn wasn't sleeping through the night anymore, and always seemed to be hungry, so we decided last week it was time for cereal. Even Darren was excited. When we told him we were going to feed Kamryn cereal his eyes got really big and he said, "she got her teeth?!" We had a good laugh about that. I got out Darren's scrapbook and showed him pictures from when we fed him cereal for the first time, and we called the grandparents.
She seemed to like it OK, she didn't make terrible faces or anything, and she did eat it pretty good. But she didn't enjoy it as much as I remember Darren enjoyed his. She still isn't too keen about it now. She doesn't have the patience to eat from a spoon when she is hungry so we have to give her a bottle first and then feed her when she is already semi full. And so far Daddy is the only one who can feed her, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but she won't eat it when I feed her. Zach says I'm not shoveling it in fast enough. She is a mess when she is done, half the bowl ends up in her chins, so its straight to the bath when she is done. She is sleeping through the night again though so mission accomplished!

Look at that full tummy!
She not only slept through the night for the first time in weeks, she slept almost all the way to day care!

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