Thursday, September 10, 2009

Darren's 6th Birthday

Darren is 6 years old! This realization had Zach a little sad, he was reminiscing about when Darren was younger. I told him, "Now you know how I felt when Kindergarten was starting!"
On his birthday, we took punch and cupcakes up to his school. Spider Man cup cakes for the guys and bright flower cupcakes for the girls. Let me tell you, it was a lot of fun sugaring up those 5 and 6 year olds! I apologized to Mrs. Davenport when it was time to leave, but she only thanked us. "No, thank you, this is fun. That's why I told you to come now, because we are about to go outside." In the parking lot though, Zach and I couldn't stop laughing. As we were leaving the classroom all the little boys were pretending to be Spider Man and making the same web shooting noises at each other.
The school announced his birthday on the morning announcements, gave him a birthday pencil and a red ribbon to wear that says, "It's my birthday!". He was very proud of the ribbon, and even wanted to wear it to football practice that day.

When Darren got home from school, we surprised him with a new bike. He wanted a blue motorcycle, but a blue bike was the best we could do. It completely dwarfs his first bike, but he actually fits on this one, with a little room to grow. He can ride this one a lot better than the yellow bike as well. I'll have to post a new video of that soon. Needless to say, he loves it. He is constantly asking to go ride it.

The weekend after his birthday, all the grandparents and aunts and uncles came into town, and we had a bowling party. We really appreciate everyone coming and cramming into our house for the kids. One day, when they realize it, the kids too will appreciate all that their families do for them. Most everyone at the party, hadn't bowled in a long time, and some even bowled for the first time. Once we finally got all our shoes, the fun began. I'm proud to boast that I had the highest score (GO MOM!!), but I think Darren had the most fun. He had been looking forward to this party for a while. After pizza and bowling, a few people played laser tag, and I'll boast for Zach that he had the highest score, other than some stranger who was apparently a professional laser tagist. There are lots more pictures out there, but true to form, I forgot the camera.

When we left the party we came to the house to do birthday cake and presents. Zach's birthday is a few days after Darren's and his birthday seems to get swept under the rug, so I wanted to surprise him with his own little cake. When I bought the cake it was very cute and I was very proud of it. But before I even got the cake back to the house to show him, it had already been dropped... twice if I'm being honest. And contrary to popular belief it was an accident!.. both times. Between its travels to and from the bowling alley it must have gotten dropped a few more times because you could barely make our Zach's name by the time I got the candles in it. But it was the thought that counts right? I was laughing at his sad little cake so much I could barely sing Happy Birthday. But I would like to state for the record again, it was an accident!

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