Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kamryn's 1st Shots

Today was Kamryn's first round of shots. When I first picked her up, she was in her usual good mood, smiling and cooing. Poor baby, she had no idea what was about to happen to her.

This is Dr. Arlene Meyer. She is Darren's pediatrician also. We love Dr. Meyer! It took me three or four pediatricians before I found her.
Kamryn weighs 13 pounds, and is 24 and 1/4 inches long. Her weight was pretty average, but she is above the 95th percentile in her height. The nurse was new and didn't know what she was doing, so originally, she told us Kamryn was 37 inches long. I just looked at her, waiting for her to realize what she had just said, but she never did. I told Zach, "Oh yeah, Kamryn's 9 inches shorter than Darren." HA! Dr. Meyer did a double take at the chart and then remeasured her of course.
This is Kamryn when she is hungry.

Luckily, one of the vaccines, was a sweet tasting medicine she got to eat. Just a little appetizer before lunch.

This was right after her shots obviously. I was mad at Zach for taking this picture. Just like her Mama, she gets all red in the face when she's upset. This is only the second time we have ever seen her real tears. The first time was when she got her foot stuck in my belt buckle. Both times, her tears didn't last that long. She's a tough little princess.

All better! Daddy's little angel.

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