Monday, August 10, 2009

Big Brother

The big news of late for The Thomas Family is that we have a new addition. Kamryn June joined the family on June 10th this year, and there is really no way to explain how much joy she has brought to our whole family unless you have experienced it yourself. We will admit we were worried about how Darren would react. He was our only child for five years when Zach and I decided to throw him this curve ball. But I must say we couldn't be more proud of him. He is the best big brother. He is very protective and loving with his sister. Her first week at the daycare was last week, and Darren checked on her at lunch time every day.

On the way to daycare the first day, Darren was very nervous and had lots of questions. There was the question I always get from him when we are leaving the house, "Mama, did you pack her bottles?" and of course I had. (I'm not sure why he always asks about the bottles, because I have never left the house without at least one extra bottle in the diaper bag, but he will ask almost every time.) He also had lots of other questions like where she will sleep, and did I think she would cry. In her classroom, he sat by her in her car seat while I talked with her teacher. After kisses bye, we were walking to his class and he asks, "Mama, do they have a bed for her?" Poor guy, he was so worried about where she was going to nap! I have been taking Darren to this daycare for two years now and I know most everyone there very well, so I was very comfortable leaving Kamryn that first day, I didn't even cry. And other than the fact that they were amazed at how many dirty diapers our princess was capable of, everything went great. We will see how week two goes.

Darren has his first day of kindergarten in two weeks, I probably will cry that day. Zach and I are already proud members of the PTO at Bowen Elementary. He also has his first football practice and first football game soon, Daddy may cry that day...HA! But with all these firsts coming up, and us still getting used to life as a family of four, I anticipate life getting crazy, albeit in a very wonderful way. If I lose touch for weeks at a time, forgive me, and check in on The Thomas Family here whenever you like. I will try to keep it updated.

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