One of the weekends we went out of town for all our Christmas celebrations, it was going to be in the teens at our house. That's a big deal around here so I spent hours preparing a place for the dogs to keep warm under a heat lamp while we were gone. And if you knew Belle and her attraction to electrical wires you'd know this was no easy feat. I also spent quite a bit of time wrapping outdoor faucets, and getting the indoor faucets to drip so we wouldn't come home to busted pipes. All this preparation, and I forgot about the fish. Yep, we didn't come home to frozen dogs or busted pipes, but we did come home to two tanks of floating Chiclids. Not a pretty sight. We were sad to see Blue2 and Rooster go, Rooster was part of my graduation gift from Zach, but every ending is a new beginning. We cleaned up the tanks and after a few batted eyelashes, Darren and I drug Zach to PetCo.
Here is a closer shot of Domino.
Your tank looks SO good!!!