Monday, April 19, 2010

Domino the frog

One of the weekends we went out of town for all our Christmas celebrations, it was going to be in the teens at our house. That's a big deal around here so I spent hours preparing a place for the dogs to keep warm under a heat lamp while we were gone. And if you knew Belle and her attraction to electrical wires you'd know this was no easy feat. I also spent quite a bit of time wrapping outdoor faucets, and getting the indoor faucets to drip so we wouldn't come home to busted pipes. All this preparation, and I forgot about the fish. Yep, we didn't come home to frozen dogs or busted pipes, but we did come home to two tanks of floating Chiclids. Not a pretty sight. We were sad to see Blue2 and Rooster go, Rooster was part of my graduation gift from Zach, but every ending is a new beginning. We cleaned up the tanks and after a few batted eyelashes, Darren and I drug Zach to PetCo.
Here is the finished product. We came home with guppy's, neon's, two shrimp, and Darren's favorite, Domino the frog. Darren and I love feeding them and then watching them all eat. Sounds like a good time I know, but it really is fun. The shrimp turned out to be my favorite. If you look closely under what we call "the bridge" to the left of the white shell, there is Domino. Now he has made that shell his home.

Here is a closer shot of Domino.

He is brown with black spots.

He swims around a little and he spends some time just floating like this. I Googled it, and it's normal. One of my favorite things about Domino the frog is that Darren named him Domino, but Darren doesn't pronounce Domino correctly. He switches the "m" and the "n". Donimo. We have tried to help him pronounce it correctly, but he hasn't quite got it yet. I love Donimo though.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


The Monster Truck Rally came to town a while back, and Undertaker was doing a promotion about a block from the daycare, so we stopped on our way home and let Darren get up close and personal. He was mesmerized of course. Made me take his picture standing in front, to the side, and behind it. He wanted to climb inside, but thankfully they didn't allow that.
I don't know why he insists on throwing up the hook 'em horns...

The huge tires were his favorite.

Pretty interesting to see up close even for Zach and I. And I got a new purse while we were there, so Darren and I were both all grins!