Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Baby Girl

Our baby girl is such a happy thing. Right now both our kids can't breathe through their noses, when you walk down the hall at night after they've gone to bed it sounds like Darth Vader is in their rooms. Kamryn is a bit worse than Darren, she is actually hoarse from snoring so much. Zach has started calling her boogers. He says it so sweet to her though, "Good Morning Boogers", and she just lights up and starts pumping her feet and arms. I agree with Zach, we could all learn a lesson from Kam, she is so happy even though we know she feels like crap.

She is teething right now. She is constantly drooling and gnawing away on her fingers or your shoulder or her bunny, whatever she can get her chubby hands on.

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