Monday, December 21, 2009

Cotulla Christmas

Darren got a Wii from Dammie and Papo for Christmas. He is very excited, and plays it non-stop until we make him take breaks. Uncle Wes and Aunt Shelley got him a Lego Star Wars game to go with it. I am amazed at how good he is at it. Uncle AD and Aunt Kourtnie and the boys got him a remote control car. I have become very agile, dodging that thing in the kitchen!

Kamryn got lots of clothes from everybody, and some fantastic new boots! Uncle Wes and Aunt Shelley got her a cute butterfly that sings and flaps its wings as it rolls around the floor. It encourages her to crawl. It is a very nifty gadget. All in all it was a great Christmas in Cotulla. Now we have Christmas at the house and then Christmas in Victoria. Christmas in our family last an entire month!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Kam Updates...

This is our beautiful girl as of late. She is so much fun! She is very vocal these days, and has quite a repertoire of coos and giggles. She is eating like crazy again. Bananas and Applesauce are her favorites, but she is still eating all her veggies too. Her sleeping varies, sometimes she wakes up 3 times a night and sometimes she sleeps through. I never know what to expect.

You have to watch her now when you go to give her a kiss on the cheek, because she has started to try and kiss back! But she just opens her mouth really big and slobbers all over you!

Last week she started sitting up by herself really well. And sitting up makes Little Miss Nosey Britches very happy, because she gets a much better view of all that is going on.

She has the best smile. When we pick her up in the afternoon, she is all gums! It is great for the whole family to see how happy she is to see us, and to be home. Darren is still the apple of her eye in the afternoons. She is still his biggest fan, no one can get her laughing like he can!

Her toes are her favorite teether. She can always reach them, and she is a master a kicking off shoes and socks. During the summer, this was not such a big deal, but now that it is cold outside I feel like I spend all day putting her socks back on her feet!